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About TriggerFish

  • Birthday 17/02/1991

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  • Current Car
    330d Sport & E30 325i Sport
  • Gender
  • Location
    Aylesbury, Bucks
  • Interests
    Cars, technology, being outside, photography, moaning

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  1. Hi all, I've got myself a sw4 LCM (for the triple blink indicators) from a 2006 built coupe. I've got this into my car, and the lights are working OK in that the right bulbs come on for the right functions. Now, I've seen one single post on an American forum which says that the facelift coupe LCMs can't control the levelling functions of the headlights are they have separate modules to do this. I can't find anything else to corroborate this, but I do know that my headlights don't move, except for the POST. The car they came from didn't have xenons, and the trace implies that it's using non-dynamic levelling (but my NCS is struggling to write to the LCM due to the old daten files). Is this expected behaviour? Can they really not level the headlights on their own? If not, I'm guessing the modules can't be fitted to the saloon, in which, the LCM is of no use to me I guess? Cheers, Joe Edit - this is where I saw it - http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?1700223-NCS-and-E46-LSZ&p=22549660#post22549660 http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?1700223-NCS-and-E46-LSZ&p=22550403#post22550403 His posts are usually accurate
  2. Hi all, Not so much an issue, as much as wanting to fiddle with the car, and get it 'ready' for a remap next weekend. When I was driving around some switch back roads in Italy in 2012 (and Scotland last year - they're the only two times this has happened) under hard load the turbo would make a weird fluttering noise, which I read today could be the VNT. I remember a while ago pressing the VNT actuator and it being very stiff and not moving too far, so I thought I'd have a go at cleaning it, which spawns two questions. Firstly, how far should it move? I'd guess I can get it about 10mm, but it's painful on my thumb to do, and I don't remember seeing it move off it's own accord. Worth noting, the car seems to drive fine, and is pretty consistent with the power once the turbo has spooled up. Secondly, with something like the Mr Muscle cleaning, where do I send the foam? Is it down the pictured part of the EGR system? (That's what I'm thinking after reading guides on other engines. . . ) I'll also check the turbo vanes for movement too, and see if it's got a vortex filter or not fitted (really should have done this sooner!). Cheers! Joe
  3. Solved in Post 7 Hi all, Not too sure how well I'll get on with this here, but I know some of you get NCS well. Anyway, I'm trying to get the BFD to work on my facelifted saloon as per this thread: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fe46.bmwklub.cz%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D17%26t%3D20401%26start%3D0%26st%3D0%26sk%3Dt%26sd%3Da&act=url I've got an LSZ version of C32 and KBM of C07 both of which are high enough. The dash/KBM is coded properly according to the thread. The LSZ I think should be OK, but it doesn't seem to be working. Full trace attached below to prevent unneeded scrolling I'm not too sure what's wrong. The main BFD bits I've found and altered are: PIN38_20_BFD aktiv PIN49_37_BFD aktiv BFD_MINDEST_GESCHW wert_02 BFD_STUFE_2_VERZOEG wert_02 BFD_STUFE_2_MAX_EIN wert_02 BFD3_ASC_TIMER wert_02 BFD3_ASC_AKTIV nicht_aktiv BFD_BLINK_EINZEIT wert_02 BFD_BLINK_AUSZEIT wert_02 PIN5_10_BFD aktiv BFD_ON aktiv BFD_ST3_ON aktiv (Not sure what's up with the code spacing there though!) If any one's got any help I'd be happy to give it a go. Thanks! Joe
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